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Powhatan State Park - PSP #2: Spring (C3)

  • 13 May 2023

Welcome to the second hike in a new weekend hike series: Powhatan Seasonal Perambulators (PSP).  My plans are for a hike each season in 2023 to Powhatan State Park.  Each hike will be in the 6-8 miles range, and while we will be hiking, we will slow down at times and try to note some things in the natural world that will be unique about each season.  So if you are interested in nature, then this hike is for you, but if you want to get from point A to point B (actually, back to point A, since this is a loop) as quickly as possible, then this hike may not be the best fit.  This is PSP #2 - Spring, and I think we will again be doing the popular loop from the Cabin Trail through the fields and forest edge down to the river.  I'm going to limit this to around a baker's dozen.  We may still see some wildflowers, and we should certainly hear / see migrating and breeding birds.  Contact me if you want to sign up and for hike details.  Anyone driving to the park will need a park pass or cash for the entrance fee.  Art Ritter - o2behiking@yahoo.com

Old Dominion Appalachian Trail Club (c). 
P.O. Box 25283 
Richmond, VA 23260-5283
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