What do I do if I forget my password?
I changed my e-mail address. Can I still log into the ODATC web site?
How do I edit my profile?
How do I renew my membership?
What payment options do I have?
How do I register for an activity?
Are there any browsers with known problems?
How do I control what personal information others can see?
What is meant by the term "Bundle Summary" that I see on our family membership profile?
What do I do if I forget my password?
In the login area, enter your e-mail address and then click on the
forgot password link. This takes you to a page where you are asked to enter the e-mail address where instructions on how to reset your password are sent. Check for this e-mails and follow the instructions once they are received.
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I changed my e-mail address. Can I still log into the ODATC web site?
Yes you can. Just use your old e-mail address and your current password to log on. Just remember that you need to update your profile with the new e-mail address. To do this click on the
view profile link. Once your profile is displayed click on the
edit profile button. This will allow you to change your e-mail address and any other personal information that has changed. Remember to
save your updates.
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How do I edit my profile?
First you need to log in. Then click on the view profile link that appears in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Once your profile is displayed, click on the edit profile button. You can now changed the information in your profile. Just remember to save any changes you make before exiting the screen.
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How do I renew my membership?
First you need to log in. Then click on the
view profile link. Once your profile is displayed, find the
Renew until day month year button on the right side of the page. Click on this link. This takes you to the membership renewal page. Just follow the instructions in order to renew your membership for another year.
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What payment options do I have?
You can either pay by check or by credit card. If you are mailing a check as payment for membership, remember to include a copy of the invoice that was e-mailed to you. The online payment mechanism goes through PayPal where you can use your PayPal account, if you have one, or your credit card. To get more information on using
paypal click here.
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How do I register for an activity?
Click on the
EVENTS tab in the left hand frame. This takes you to a list of scheduled events. Find the event that you want to attend. Click on the
register button. The next screen displays your e-mail address, if you are signed in, or you are asked to furnish an e-mail address. Click
next and either verify or enter the information requested. On this screen you will see an
attendees list check box. You need to check this box if you want your name included in a list of attendees that is viewable by others. If you don't check this box you will show up as an
anonymous user in the attendees list.
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Are there any browsers with known problems?
Both the Safari and Chrome browsers have reported limitations. These include the inability to resize images by dragging the edges or corners; the spell check dialog box appearing larger then in other browsers; the autofill form suggestions appear in random places on the page; and the pop-up window on right click does not always work. The only suggested fix is to set your browsers preferences to always accept cookies. To do this make the following adjustments if necessary: Preferences -> Security -> Accept cookies: Always. If this doesn't fix the problem then you need to try a different browser.
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How do I control what personal information others can see?
There are default privacy settings that are used by all members. They restrict what personal information is displayed and who can see it as follows:
- First name - Anybody can see your 1st name; if you add a comment on a forum or blog your 1st name will be displayed as the author.
- Our organization, ODATC, will be displayed to anybody.
- Your membership level, individual, family, etc. will be displayed to anybody.
- The send message form is displayed to anybody. This form allows someone to send you a message without seeing your e-mail address. That information is always keep private.
- Your personal photo can be seen by anybody. This is the picture you can add to your membership profile.
Members can see the above items plus:
- Last name
- The photo albums you've added.
- Your interest; trail maintenance, photography, etc..
Nobody has access to your address, phone numbers and e-mail address.
You can change your personal privacy settings by logging in, clicking on view profile, then click on edit profile. Once here you need to click on privacy. This takes you to the privacy settings where you will see three columns: Anybody, Members, and No access. Find the item you want to change and click on the column button where you want it to be moved. Remember to save any changes.
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What is meant by the term "Bundle Summary" that I see on our family membership profile?
What you are seeing is the current bundle limit and the number of records used in your bundle. You should see:
- Bundle limit 2
- Used so far 1
The add member button displays only if your "used so far" value is less then the bundle limit. Then you are allowed to add a new member to your bundle if you are the bundle administrator. The only reason to add individual contact records into a family bundle is if you both what to maintain separate e-mail accounts. Otherwise there is no advantage and the site administrator strongly recommends that it not be used since it takes up needed space in our membership database.
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